# God’s Blue Throne

Over all His creatures, land and seas,

A pair and paradox He sets to reign,

The creatures who reach higher on their knees,1

Whose aggrandizement ever is in vain.2

To know of good and evil and its tree,

They eat its fruit, and open wide their eyes,3

No longer good, no longer evil see

Discrete, but good-and-evil in disguise.4

A paragon5 and paradox is man,

Alone allowed approach to God's blue throne,

Alone enabled to defy His plan,

Alone a soul interred in flesh and bone.

One soul placed in two bodies for their life,6

Nature's lord, He sets the man and wife.

# Footnotes

1: The Hebrew word for blessing, berachah, is etymologically related to the Hebrew word for knee, barach.

2: See Genesis 11:4-9.

3: See Genesis 3:7.

4: The expression "good and evil" is a merism. Before the First Sin, Adam and Eve could easily distinguish between good and evil. After it, they saw deeds as a mixture of the two.

5: See Hamlet, Act II Scene 2. "The paragon of animals!"

6: See Zohar III, 7b. "The union of male and female is termed 'one.' ... For a male without a female is called 'half a body,' and a half is not 'one.' When the two halves unite, they then become one body, and they are then called 'one.'" See also Plato's Symposium.

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